Siddappa & Sangamma are an elderly couple, living at Yelmadagi 2 village in Kalaburagi. Yelmadagi 2 village is just beside my farm.
During construction of the Lower Mullamari Dam, the entire village, their homes and many agriculture fields were acquired by the Government of Karnataka. Siddappa Markundi lost his home, village and part of farm land in this process.
This was a first major shocker for them. They just failed to earn a livelihood in their new relocated makeshift village.
Due to delays or errors, they did not get proper compensation for their loss of home & land. This was a second shocker for them.
During this phase, Siddappa and his brothers had frequent feuds and they all separated. This was a third shocker for them.
Siddappa and Sangamma shifted to Hyderabad. Siddappa worked as a cook for almost two decades there. But he could not make ends meet. They have 4 sons and 2 daughters. Frequent travels to the village, schooling followed by marriage of children became a difficult task for the couple. This was a fourth shocker for them.
They returned back to the Village and started farming. Siddappa worked hard and one by one things started improving. He married off elder son and one daughter.
One of their sons is a good baker. Siddappa managed to save some money and borrowed a loan from multiple people. With this, they started a bakery at Chitaguppa town. The bakery was going well and everything was working out for them. Then, lockdown happened. The bakery came to a total stop during lockdown. The entire family was again devastated. Because this time, they had no other way to pay back the loan & the interest. This was the major and final shocker for them.
This series of misfortunes has led to various health issues in Siddappa as well as Sangamma.
Siddappa had developed severe knee pains for the last eight years. Farming and cooking at local events was his livelihood. Due to knee pains, he couldn't do these jobs as well.
Siddappa had developed bidi smoking behaviour. He was smoking 2-4 packets of bidis everyday.
Siddappa had developed severe anxiety around every aspect of his life. He felt that he was a failed human being. That he has failed his wife & children. His children were growing older and they were unable to marry them off. He could not build a simple home. So on went the list of his worries. Chronic overthinking has led to sleep loss. He was unable to sleep even 2 hours daily. Siddanna was depressed and turned to spirituality.
Sangamma had got habituated to tobacco chewing. From the time she got up in the morning till evening, she chewed tobacco. She had a constant severe headache. She had been taking 20-30 Saridon tablets every month for the headache.
Both of them had become weak and debilitated.
About 2 years ago, Siddappa started coming to my home regularly. He was never a client to me. I have always given them my time, Sanjeevini and many other small things without taking money from them.
He visited almost once a week. We discussed various topics. This regular discussion helped him in taking steps to come out of his problems. My minimalist lifestyle gave him hope and motivation.
Both of them are really loving, caring and honest people. They were just lost and burdened with multiple mishaps.
By taking one step at a time, they have reclaimed their life back.
Sangamma recovered completely from acidity and headache through Kunjal Kriya. By drinking about 2 liters of water and vomiting, the stomach is cleansed and acidity is instantly relieved. I taught her this simple method. She did it regularly and healed from acidity and headache. As headache was relieved, her tobacco and Saridon use also reduced. She doesn't use Saridon nowadays.
They are no more addicted to tobacco. Siddappa smokes just a few bidis when he is with friends. He is not smoking at home and at night anymore. Siddappa has no joint pains now. Both of them are able to manage their farm and grow crops from last two years. Both have regained strength and gained healthy weight. They have built a new room. Their house is in much better condition.
Their son Rakesh had developed Sciatica. He has completely recovered and is living with their parents. He is working in his village and making a decent living. Rakesh's story of healing from Sciatica is also interesting & I have it on my blog here.
Both of them have overcome chronic worry, anxiety, depression and sleeplessness. They are working on rearing cows.
They are marrying off two children this coming year.
I was happy to see them reclaim their life. I have never taken money from them. However, Siddappa gave us two tractors of manure (to show his gratitude) for my kitchen garden. They bring fruits from their garden and buttermilk from their cows. During every festival, Sangamma makes additional Holgi for us which Siddanna brings. They are like a family for us now. When we need any physical labour at my farm, they are happy to help.
Siddappa & Sangamma reclaimed their life. Man's life is disturbed through thinking. Through thinking, we make a hill out of every tiny problem. Thinking is nothing but words. Words is language. I have found out that every problem faced by man can be solved through discussion. The mountain of problems can be shattered through discussion & tiny changes in lifestyle. Offcourse, willingness is a must.
Are you lost in life's maze and unable to come out? Come, let's talk and reclaim your life.
Take Care
Madhukar Dama
8722170016 (WhatsApp Only)