Note : This is neither a medical advice nor replacement for Medical Treatment.
Vanshi Suresh, aged 40 years, is an IT Engineer, working & living in Bengaluru.
Vanshi consulted me to heal from Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
Two years ago, Vanshi had developed Leg swelling. Leg pain, cramping or soreness that often started in the calf. The pain and discomfort was severe. For this, he was taking multiple medicines prescribed by a Vascular Specialist. He has been taking medicines for 2 years. He has still not recovered from DVT.
Vanshi developed DVT due to smoking. Vanshi has been smoking for 15 years. He was smoking almost 12 to 13 cigarettes every day. Long term smoking is the main cause of DVT. Smoking also causes serious heart diseases, lung diseases and cancers. Smoking is very costly. Smoking is socially unacceptable. Nobody likes smokers! Smoking kills.
Vanshi was honestly interested in quitting smoking. He had thought about it many times but he was unable to quit smoking.
I gave him my Sanjeevini oil for detoxifying the body. And suggested that he quit maida (refined wheat flour), milk, sugar, white rice & refined oil. I also suggested that he walk as much as possible daily. He made changes in diet and walked daily.
I have developed a very simple trick for quitting smoking. This has worked for many of my clients. This trick reduces daily smoking by one cigarette every week. Smokers who have decided to quit should start buying one cigarette less from today. For example, earlier, Vanshi was buying a packet of 10 cigarettes daily in the morning. He started buying 9 cigarettes daily in the morning. After completing one week of smoking 9 cigarettes daily, he started buying 8 cigarettes. This way, within 2 months, daily cigarette smoking came down from 12 to 1. Vanshi now smokes only 1 or 2 cigarettes daily. He has completely lost the craving to smoke more cigarettes. He will soon be completely free from smoking.
Detoxification, lifestyle correction and healing from existing diseases is a must for quitting smoking through this method.
With the deep cleansing effects of Sanjeevini, changes in food and lifestyle, Vanshi recovered completely from DVT and smoking habits. He has stopped taking all the medicines by consulting his Doctor. He doesn't need medicine anymore.
It cost 10,000/- for Vanshi to use Sanjeevini & implement my guidance.
With lifestyle correction, Vanshi was free from pain of DVT, side effects of medicines, cost of hospital tests and treatment, and the need for surgery in future & many other fears. These collectively create a tremendous healing & awareness that permanently lowers cravings for addictions. A healthy man cannot smoke. Only a person in pain gets addicted to junk food & addictions.
Every addiction and diseases developed after birth can be relieved through lifestyle correction. If you like to reverse diseases or addictions, send a message on WhatsApp on my number.
Take Care
Dr. Madhukar Dama
Lifestyle Advisor