Aravindhan had a typical upbringing like any other boy from Indian middle class families.
Born and raised in Pondicherry, he graduated as an IT Engineer.
Has been working in various Software firms from 11 years now.
Few years into the job, he married and had two children.
So far so good. Or, it looked so outside.
However, inside he was getting anxious day by day. Multiple issues were bothering him. These issues were growing. He found that nobody understood his issues. He was unable to find a solution or support from anybody for his complaints.
The issues that bothered him are the ones that are commonly experienced by most of us. Hence, these issues were considered non-issues by his people.
Infact, his near ones thought he is too sensitive and he should grow up and toughen up.
"Be a man", they said.
Aravindhan had never liked the IT/Software profession. Being stuck in a wrong profession was a daily source of stress. Aravindhan could not think of any other possibility of source of earning.
Aravindhan had never understood how to handle the pressure of work in the IT firms. This was also a daily source of stress.
After few years of marriage, too many differences accumulated with his spouse. Aravindhan did all he could to resolve the differences. His marriage eventually failed.
Losing his wife and two children was beyond his imagination. Aravindhan always desired to live a peaceful simple life.
He was no more in peace with himself.
Aravindhan was unable to find support from his immediate family and friends on these issues. Whenever he discussed these issues with someone hoping for a solution, they eventually blamed Aravindhan for these issues. He was not in peace with others due to this.
Aravindhan became lonely, disconnected, depressed, and hopeless.
Aravindhan started feeling strongly that “I AM DYING”.
Every moment of life became painful. Like most people who end up in such situations, he started finding solace in various addictions.
Aravindhan started eating out almost every day. Alcohol and non vegetarian food became part of daily routine.
Aravindhan started preferring night shift works. It gave a strange sense of good feeling.
He could not sleep properly anymore.
Before even realizing, Aravindhan’s body had reached 100 kgs.
Blood cholesterol levels had crossed normal values.
Fatty liver changes had started.
Severe hairloss happened during six months of work when he worked exclusively night shift.
It was common to have 4-5 cups of tea every day.
Headaches including migraines became a common problem.
His stomach was losing its ability to digest even routinely eaten foods.
Overeating habits developed. Food became an addiction. Food became a drug.
Unexplainable muscle pains, stiffness and uneasiness developed in all parts of the body.
Aravindhan was unable to make sense of what was happening with him. He had lost confidence.
Anxiety was increasing.
Street food, overeating, junk food, alcohol, became only source of pleasure.
Work place as well as home has become source of unending stress.
Eyesight was getting weaker.
pleasure seeking behaviors were becoming stronger.
This had many social consequences.
Few years ago, one fine night, Aravindhan was already drunk. About 1 AM in the night, an intense craving developed for more alcohol. Being already drunk was not enough. He wanted to get knocked out!
This event triggered a deep shame followed by a definite desire to get out of this mess.
Aravindhan reduced drinking and started walking daily for 4 hours, covering a distance of about 15 kms.
He walked 1200 km in 3 months. Friends celebrated his progress!
Keerthana too walked along for about 800 km during this time.
People thought he has gone crazy!
He walked everyday to detoxify himself.
His routine became very simple – Going to office, eating 3 meals a day, sleeping and walking for 4 to 5 hours. Nothing else.
He has been walking since then.
He stopped eating Junk food, Sugar, Alcohol, Milk, and Red meat completely.
Lowered salt intake.
Increased consumption of vegetables, fruits and millets.
Yoga and walking has become integral part of his daily routine.
He is mostly cooking for himself.
He has realized the futility of trying to continue toxic relationships.
One by one he has made peace with all the toxic relationships.
Letting go of his wife peacefully has transformed his state of mind.
He is now regularly interacting with people who have overcome such obstacles in their life and regained consciousness.
All his health issues like sleep problems, higher cholesterol, obesity, fatty liver, headaches, migraine, digestive troubles, overeating, tiredness, muscle pains, anxiety, and food craving have resolved.
He is mostly eating lots of fruits and vegetables for 3 times a day.
He understands the needs and limits of his body now. This has helped in nourishing it, rather than working against it.
He is conscious about almost all of the food and lifestyle aspects now.
He has become more conscious of his acts.
From about 3 years, we have been hosting people looking to heal from various complicated issues in their life.
We discuss, share, live together, work together and find ways to overcome the problems.
Our life journey has helped others in finding ways to deal with their problems. Their life journey's have helped us in turn.
And we end up becoming friends for life!
Aravindhan contacted us through WorkAway wanting to stay with us for 2 weeks.
We were delighted to have him with us.
Before his arrival, through phone calls, we had developed a good rapport.
He mentioned about lack of interest in work. I suggested to cutdown the work hours or take a demotion. I assured him that it is OK to earn less by working less or by demoting oneself, rather than working more and suffering. He has reduced work hours and decided against working night shifts. This will be a major step towards conscious living.
It was joyful to host him.
We shared our experiences & understandings on so many aspects of life like human needs, wants, food, water, work, sleep, relationships, parenting, future, spirituality, natural buildings, and natural healing and so on....
He experienced the benefits and simplicity of millet diet and slow cooking. He has transitioned towards eating positive millets and is now cooking using Sumuchit Steam Cooker.
I am now working on getting his hairs back naturally using Sanjeevini and by following proper diet and lifestyle! I taught him the process of identifying the Wrightia tinctoria plant and preparation of Sanjeevini Exctract.
He made four liters of Sanjeevini exctract for himself.
We will also be working on getting rid of the eyeglasses by proper diet and lifestyle.
He has adopted Khadi clothing and he is delighted about it!
We had discussed and made plans to resolve future financial dependencies.
I asked him as I like to do with everyone, “Do you now feel you can live for 100 years”. With a Bunny Smile, he says “YES I CAN” because “I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN”.
He also says that he has not felt this healthy & happy even during his childhood.
Aravindhan is visiting us again during this winter along with Keerthana, and for many years in future too! You can meet him at our place during this visit.
He has a message for you : Listen to your body, maintain a good lifestyle and sleeping pattern. Consume locally available and seasonal fruits, veggies, and millets. Please avoid overeating, alcohol, and consumerism.
Call him on +91 81292 44666, or visit him at M. Aravindhan, 13, 10th cross, Tagore Nagar, Lawspet, Pondicherry - 8 Landmark: Near Don Bosco school gate.
Wishing you a happy healing!
Dr. Madhukar Dama