Chandrakala Hiremath was here today for her fourth visit. She was super delighted.
Chandrakala, aged about 39 years, is a homemaker from Andur Village in Bidar. She had enrolled in my Sanjeevini Program 6 months ago. She corrected many aspects of her diet & lifestyle.
Two years ago, Chandrakala was hospitalized for COVID. She underwent intensive care and recovered.
After returning home from COVID treatment, Chandrakala developed acidity. Eventually acidity turned to migraine (half headaches). Since two years, she was suffering from acidity and migraine headaches almost everyday. And she was taking medicines for it. She was feeling feverish almost everyday night. With lifestyle correction, she completely healed from acidity, migraine & nightly fevers.
Chandrakala lost 6 kgs body weight during six months by lifestyle correction. She is now 58 kgs and is aiming for reaching 50 kgs.
Chandrakala was frequently feeling light headed and tired. She had developed heel pains (plantar fasciitis). Her face and nails were bleached, confirming that she was anemic. Light headedness, tiredness and heel pains are signs of low hemoglobin. Dietary changes reversed her anemia. She no more gets heel pains or feels tired & lightheaded.
Chandrakala had dark pigmentation on the nose & cheek. This is melasma (ಭಂಗ in kannada). She used to feel premenstrual cramps from eight days before menstruation. And menstruation was painfull. Melasma & menstruation difficulties are signs of hormonal disturbance. After lifestyle changes, Chandrakala is getting normal, regular, pain-free periods. Her Melasma pigmentation (see her face in picture) has faded and will be completely cured in few weeks. This progress indicates correction of hormonal balance.
Chandrakala was diagnosed with Thyroid Deficiency (Hypothyroidism) two years ago. She was prescribed Thyronorm 100 mcg. After correcting lifestyle, we focused on reducing the dose of Thyronorm tablets. The dose of Thyronorm was halved every 45 days. After first 45 days, dose was lowered to 50 mcg. After 90 days, dose was reduced to 25 mcg. After 120 days, the dose was reduced to half tablet of 25 mcg (12.5 mcg approx). And today, she decided to completely stop taking Thyronorm tablet. She faced no issues during weaning & discontinuation of Thyronorm tablets. Her recent blood tests for thyroid hormones are showing normal levels.
Chandrakala's hair growth has become normal, hunger & digestion are corrected, sleep quality & energy levels have improved tremendously. Cravings for addictives & junk foods is gone. She enjoys eating simple, healthy foods now.
Chandrakala is walking daily for 1 hour (she was unable to walk even for five minutes before), following simple traditional dietary practices, avoiding addictives & junk foods.
Thyroid diseases, migraine, chronic acidity, melasma, menstrual problems, hormonal imbalance, heel pains are all due to faulty diet & lifestyle. These are easily reversed with lifestyle correction.
Effects of lifestyle errors can never be corrected with any medicine.
*If you wish to interact with, validate this story, talk to, or socialize with Chandrakala Hiremath, send me a message. I will share her husband's number.
Take Care
8722170016 (WhatsApp only)