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  • Writer's pictureMadhukar Dama


Updated: Nov 3, 2023

Babu Musthari was here today. From two months, he is doing farm and house construction works.

Babu was about 60 years.

Babu was born and has lived all of his life at Yelmadagi village (in the same village where I live).

Babu worked as a laborer.

About 6 years ago, Babu developed cataract in right eye. And slowly the cataract completely blocked the vision in the right eye. Babu never felt a need to get treated as there was no money, no motivation and there was a vision in the left eye.

But he could not work anymore. He became homebound due to loss of vision in one eye.

And then he developed knee pains. And eventually he could not move much.

About 2 years ago, the cataract started in another eye, leading to major loss of vision. He was able to see just a small circular area. That was hazy too.

They visited the District Government Hospital. Cataract is easily cured through a minor surgery. However, they could not do the surgery as his blood sugar levels were very high. Surgery cannot be done until blood sugar level is normal. Higher blood sugar creates multiple serious problems during and after surgery.

Babu had never known that he was diabetic.

Babu was back at home and was depressed.

He visited me last year. Looking at his health history, I felt that Babu has been a diabetic from more than 10 years. He has never taken any treatment for diabetes. As a complication of diabetes, he developed cataract in both the eyes. And as he had stopped working, he had lost flexibility in the body and developed severe knee and back pains.

I told him to eat only jowar roti and vegetable or dal for 1 month (nothing at all to be eaten apart from this). I gave him Sanjeevini to cleans his digestive system. I gave him some sesame Sanjeevini for joint pains.

I told him to come back after 1 month so that we can plan next steps.

He came after about 50 days.

He was now walking normally, there were no pains in the knee and back. And he was able to see normally with right eye. He was super delighted. I could hardly recognize him. This time he was clean, well dressed, easily walking and frankly talking. Babu was delighted to see and walk again.

Here's what happened. Within 20 days of following the strict diet, taking and applying Sanjeevini, Babu's body healed tremendously. And his son took him to the Eye Surgeon. His blood sugar was normal. And they went for surgery immediately.

Cataract in his left eye has not increased during last one year. I had told him to follow proper food habits. I came to know one day that he has never touched junk food, even after 6 months of regaining vision in both eyes.

Diabetes is so easy to reverse. It does not matter how old or severe the condition is.

Take Care

Dr. Madhukar Dama

Lifestyle Advisor

Post: Blog2_Post



Madhukar Dama / Savitri Honnakatti, Survey Number 114, Near Yelmadagi 1, Chincholi Taluk, Kalaburgi District 585306, India


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